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Data-driven web copy for MSPs, IT service providers, cyber security firms, and B2B SaaS companies

Get more sales, more revenue, and more business growth from your website

Stunningly effective website copy that turns visitors into referrals and does the selling for you

Is it a struggle to show customers why they NEED your service and get clients to see past the price tag?
Does it feel impossible to develop a value proposition that gets people excited?
Do potential clients decide to let their nephew handle their IT, even after you explain why they’ll regret it?
There's a fix for that

I’m here to turn all the hard work you do for clients into more clients. So you can add recurring revenue and get explosive business growth.

I'm James

I help technical, service-based businesses crush their revenue goals (and competitors) with the exact same messaging that their best clients use when they recommend your business. It’s like turning your best clients into your dedicated sales team.


If we work together, your website will hit all the same buy buttons that your clients push when they refer you to friends.


End result: you close more new clients, retain your most valuable clients, and spend less time selling (so you get PAID!)

I’ve helped technical businesses get more profit from their websites. And I can help you.

Valued Partnerships

Home: Clients
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Strike Social





James, what can I get from you now?
Brand voice development

You need to expand your marketing and improve your sales funnels to get new clients and grow your business fast.



You’ve got the technology on lock. But what do you say to make every marketing dollar profitable?



I find out exactly what your clients say when they give their referral pitch. Then I’ll give you a guide to using that pitch in all your marketing. So, you can get referrals at scale and secure more new clients.

Website copy

Your website is your online business card: you need it to make people grab their phone and call you



But what pages do you need? What information should be on each page? And how do you get people to mash the click-to-call button?



I find out exactly what excites your most valuable clients (and gets them to sign on). Then, I develop a strategy and write copy that helps you sign those high-dollar clients.

Landing page copy

You need your landing pages to do the heavy lifting and get people into your sales funnel, so you can close the deals.



But how do you get people to happily give you their email addresses with just a few words or sentences?



I write landing page copy that generates hordes of hot leads and keeps those sales funnels full.

Home: About
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Home: Skills
What do you get when you work with a referral hacker?
Confidence in a job well done

I’ve developed a consistent process for creating website copy that crushes KPIs.


And, I don’t rest until every word is perfect (I learned how to live without sleep in the Marines).

More time for you and your business

You have a business to manage. So, I manage myself (and get stuff done!).


You can focus on setting up firewalls and building server racks. And I’ll have the copy ready when you get done.

Marketing assets you can use everywhere

You get a complete research and technical voice guide that you can use to write Facebook ad copy, Google ads, LinkedIn posts, or anything else.


Or hand the guide off to your guy, and outsource your referral hacking.


Yes, I’ll write the copy. But it’s your website.


I have built in feedback loops and approval milestones to ensure that the finished product is exactly what you want.

Ridiculous reliability

I spent years as a wildland firefighter. So, I know how to get stuff done when everything is on fire.


Bottom line: your project gets done on time, every time.

Peace of mind

Don’t call me (just kidding, call if you need something). I’ll call you. You’ll get regular project updates. So, you’ll know the status of your project at all times.

A few pieces of my work

Sample projects

Home: Projects


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GroupGets is a group buying platform that helps builders and companies access components that are usually locked behind minimum order quantities. GroupGets needed new website copy that would fit into their current layout. The solution was rewritten web copy that boosted their organic traffic and conversions.


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AlertOps is a network critical incident management and communication solution. They web pages that clearly communicated how AlertOps helps its clients. The solution was a complete suite of supporting web page copy (features, services, etc.) that helped prospects understand why they needed AlertOps.


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Biteable is a video editing software company that needed long-form landing pages to capture more organic searches and get leads and sign-ups. The solution was a series of long form landing pages that delivered value and turned clicks into signups.


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Telnyx is a cloud-based telecommunications carrier that needed landing pages to boost lead generation from their lead magnets. The solution was brand new landing page copy that boosted their lead generation.


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StatusHub is a communication application that enables companies to communicate downtime and service disruptions to their clients and stakeholders as soon as an issue is detected. They were doing a complete marketing overhaul. That meant fresh new web site copy.


Rejoiner Abandoned Cart Software

Rejoiner is an email marketing platform that helps businesses automate their email marketing and grow their revenue. They needed to increase their conversions from their most trafficked landing page. The solution was crisp new copy that spoke in the voice of their customers.

Your business demands a professional

Getting clients isn’t easy for technical businesses. You can’t afford to pay someone to cleverly restate some tech lingo. You need an expert who does the work to understand you and your clients, then writes data-driven copy that makes website visitors say, “Sign me up!”

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What my clients say


Mackenzie P.

"James is awesome to work with. His writing is very easy to digest, and I love all the added suggestions he gave when we were first deciding on the article's direction. Highly recommended!"

David C., CEO, Telnyx

"James was a pleasure to work with. He took great care with understanding our brand before getting started and delivered quality work. He was timely, responsive and took direction very well."

Mike Arsenault, Founder and CEO, Rejoiner

"We've worked together for a few years on a variety of projects. And he is top-notch."

What do you say?
Yes! Let's do this!
  • Get web copy that turns your website into a revenue machine.


  • Impress clients and colleagues, and blow away competitors as you add revenue.


  • Work with a collaborative team player who completes your project with zero hangups.

Nah. I’ll do it myself.
  • Add a huge task to your to-do list.


  • Spend less time helping your current clients (and get fewer referrals).


  • Help your competitors rest easy

I'm ready to get referrals at scale!

P.S. This is NOT a sales call. It’s a free consultation. I’ll make recommendations for improving your current website, learn about your business, and discover if I can help you get more clients. If I’m not confident I can help you, I REFUSE to take your money.

So, book now. You've got nothing to lose.

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